Fleurenasci — Keepsakes
June Flowers
Aster Add-A-Beads Fleurenasci Floral Preservation Flowers into beads Jewelry from flowers June Flowers Keepsakes Lillium Stargazer Uncategorized
June has arrived and with it has come some beautiful flowers for arrangements. Whether for your home or perhaps a wedding bouquet we just love these flowers. We love the refreshing colors you can find in Gerberas. From pink to red and from yellow to orange, this flower just screams sunshine and happiness. The vibrant purple colors found in Delphimium and Freesia are also some of our favorites,and of course when we see beautifully colored flowers, we see great bead colors. Lilies are definitely in this month and one of our favorite is the Lillium Stargazer. Its amazing color also...
Mother's Day is Coming
Aster Add-A-Beads Fleurenasci Floral Preservation Flowers into beads Gifts Keepsake Design Keepsakes Mother's Day Uncategorized
Okay all you dads and children … Mother's Day is May 11! Do you know what to get your mom? At Fleurenasci we have some incredible ideas, and we even have special Mother's Day gift certificate gift packages. A gift certificate is the perfect gift for Mom, so she may create exactly what she wants! And you know we Moms love getting exactly what we want. Take a look at our site and if you have any questions about add-a-beads, jewelry or keepsakes, call us. We'd love to help you out!
Boston Strong
Aster Add-A-Beads Boston Marathon Boston Strong Fleurenasci Gifts Jewelry Design Keepsakes Uncategorized
It's hard to believe it's been one year since the bombing at the Boston Marathon. Today, as runners cross the finish line and emergency responders stand on alert, we at Fleurenasci remember those who died and were injured in the tragedy. It is said there will be more police officers on duty than in the history of the race. Many victims from 2013 are on-hand today not only to run the race, but to also offer support and cheers on this year's participants. For all of those we say congratulations and thank you. Together we will all stay Boston Strong....
Mother's Day Is Just Around The Corner!
Fleurenasci Flowers into beads Gifts gifts of love Jewelry Jewelry from flowers Keepsakes Mother's Day Spring Flowers Uncategorized
Mother’s Day is just around the corner! Wow! Where has the time gone? Is it passing as quickly for you as it is for me? As I was working with my calendar last evening, planning for upcoming events. I came to realize that Mother’s Day weekend will no doubt hold many special memories for this proud Mother. You see this year, my son will graduate from college the Friday evening before Mother's Day. It still pulls at my heart as I reflect on his first day of kindergarten, the long walk...
Are You Feeling Happy?
Fleurenasci Floral Preservation Gifts Happy International Day of Happiness Jewelry Keepsakes Pharrell Williams Uncategorized
Did you know today is the International Day of Happiness? Maybe that is why we all have an extra spring in our step. I love reading about all of the ways people are celebrating the day, including Pharrell Williams joining forces with the UN. Check this website out that features people from all around the world singing and dancing to Pharrell's song "Happy!" What a great idea. Fleurenasci is all about happy, from the flowers we use, to the products we create … it all brings us great joy to make others happy. So why not take a...