A Day to Remember
9/11 Fleurenasci Uncategorized
I am confident you probably know where you were 13 years ago today. It is a day that none of us will forget, as I know I never will. As I write this blog there are numerous shows on reminding us of the day's events. I watch because I never want to forget those that lost their lives at the hands of terrorists. I never want to forget the first responders who gave their lives without a second thought. I never want to forget the men and women who were then sent overseas to fight the war that threatened our safety. In my family I am grateful for my family members who have served and are serving even today. My dad, grandfather and nephew all served our country, and my daughter's boyfriend recently joined as well. Words cannot express my gratitude to all those who are willing to fight for our freedom.
On this anniversary I hope you too will take a moment to remember those no longer with us. I pray we never live through another day like that one, and I say thank you to the men and women serving our country.

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