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Fleurenasci — Keepsake Design

What to do with that beautiful Poinsettia

Fleurenasci Flowers into beads Gifts Jewelry Keepsake Design poinsettia Uncategorized

The holidays are over and the Christmas decorations have been boxed away for another year. However, there is one sign of the holidays still going strong in your house ... that gorgeous poinsettia! You hate to throw it out, it's just too beautiful to dispose of, but what in the world are you going to do with it? We've got an idea! Why not take that beautiful flower and let us turn it into a keepsake you will cherish forever. The reds found in these plants will make a vibrant bead for a necklace, bracelet or even a bookmark. What...

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Capricorn: Dec 22 - Jan 19

Floral Preservation Flowers Flowers into beads Gifts Jewelry Jewelry Design Jewelry from flowers Keepsake Design Keepsakes Uncategorized

African-VioletsThe birth sign flowers for Capricorn are the African Violet, the Snowdrop and the Jasmin. The African Violet with its essence of friendship and faithfulness holds special meaning for me. As a teenager I spent many summer days with my Grandmother.  She loved her African Violets tending to them daily working to produce new plants from leaves. Just as she faithfully tended to her Violets she tended to family and friends.   As I tend to my African Violets I will no doubt take a moment to smile and reflect on the friendship...

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a rose is a rose is a rose

Floral Preservation Flowers Gifts Jewelry Jewelry Design Keepsake Design Keepsakes Uncategorized

A rose, one of the most popular flowers that is sent each and every day, and used quite frequently at Fleurenasci. Shakespeare wrote about a rose when he said 'a rose by any other name would smell as sweet,' and there is even the famous saying a rose is a rose is a rose, which comes from Gertrude Stein's poem, Sacred Emily, written in 1913. There are many different colors from white to red and from yellow to pink. You've heard of the Yellow Rose of...

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Fall is in the air! Are you ready?

Floral Preservation Flowers Gifts Jewelry Jewelry Design Keepsake Design Keepsakes Uncategorized

I don't typically flip thru the real estate section while perusing the paper. For some reason this morning I did and boy am I thankful. You see my focus this past week has been on the changing of the seasons and how this will affect the beautiful flowers we all love and enjoy having inhabit our spaces! Here is what I found: article-As-the-seasons-change--prep-your-plants-for-fall?instance=special_coverage_bullets_right_column I hope it helps with your planning for a beautiful Spring!

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Floral flourish

Floral Preservation Flowers Gifts Jewelry Jewelry Design Keepsake Design Keepsakes Uncategorized

Look what the MDJ has to say about us! We were both honored and excited to have had the opportunity to speak with Sally Litchfield of the Marietta Daily Journal. In case you missed it, here's the link to the online version: Lots of exciting changes taking place. We are working on the Fall Line and working to secure a few locations to share our products. If you have a business and would like to discuss how we can work together, we would love to hear from you! Also any florists wishing to recycle/repurpose those gently used flowers, we...

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