Fleur ~ French Etymology: /flœʁ/ Latin flos, florem; (flower; the finest part of something).
Renasci ~ Latin Etymology: re-+nāscor. Verb, present infinitive renāscī; (revived, renewed, born again).
Essence ~ Latin Etymology: essentia (the core nature or most important qualities of a person or thing).
Fleurenasci literally, is flowers renewed. As I celebrate the approval and finalization of the company’s logo trademark, I am reminded that Fleurenasci represents so much more than simply flowers renewed. The choice to include the tag line “Bringing Flower Essence to Life,” is a gentle reminder to look beyond the exterior…. to celebrate the essence of life’s triumphs and life’s trials … for they shape the essence of the individual.
While the adding of a flower was initially intended as a subtle way of connecting Fleurenasci to flowers, again it evolved into so much more. The daffodil was chosen for its essence of joy and new beginnings. Which brings me to the butterfly. While there are many meanings derived from the butterfly, I choose to embrace the spiritual meaning, which is… to convey the choice to transcend, the power to make a choice, to choose our way of being… our paths… our destiny.
Is it my hope that you think Fleurenasci when you see flowers or even think about flowers? Certainly. But more importantly, as we enter this holiday season with all the hustle and bustle it brings with it, it is my hope you are gently reminded to celebrate and embrace life… to celebrate and embrace the essence of those around you… to celebrate and embrace your essence and all that you are!
I know I’ll be taking a moment to celebrate the essence of a few wonderful people who without their insights and skills the Fleurenasci logo would not have been born. Thank you to Jennifer Wilkes of JDW Integrated Marketing for your guidance and suppport and thank you to Tracy Willis of Tracy R Willis Photography for your design work and insightful vision in creating the Fleurenasci logo! I am forever grateful!