Fleurenasci — Holiday Season
Fleurenasci literally, is flowers renewed.
Celebrate Life Floral Preservation Flowers Flowers into beads Gifts Holiday Season Jewelry Jewelry from flowers Keepsakes Living Life Uncategorized
Fleur ~ French Etymology: /flœʁ/ Latin flos, florem; (flower; the finest part of something). Renasci ~ Latin Etymology: re-+nāscor. Verb, present infinitive renāscī; (revived, renewed, born again). Essence ~ Latin Etymology: essentia (the core nature or most important qualities of a person or thing). Fleurenasci literally, is flowers renewed. As I celebrate the approval and finalization of the company’s logo trademark, I am reminded that Fleurenasci represents so much more than simply flowers renewed. The choice to include the tag line...